From Lucy to you: Reclaiming African History

co-hosted by Gerda Henkel Stiftung and Deutsche Welle

For people to have a say in a globalized world, awareness of their own identity is crucial. History has played an important part in shaping identities. Yet in Africa, history and memory face a dilemma due to a specific narrative that took shape in colonial times: the colonists from Old Europe perceived their arrival in Africa to be the discovery of a continent without history. When they arrived, they had their own chroniclers on hand who filled the pages of African history as seen through the lens of the European. Even today, post-colonial Africa still struggles with this misrepresentation that remains widely unchallenged. And yet, Africa is the cradle of mankind, with much to show for itself. How can historians of the continent help set the picture right and contribute to a new understanding of African history? What needs to be done to balance the colonists' sources - and what role can oral history play in this undertaking? How can a more self-conscious African history be conveyed to a broad public on the continent? A time to look for answers to all these questions.


Wanjiku Mwaura - Journalist, Deutsche Welle, Germany


Edward Kirumira - Principal, Makerere University, Uganda

Ndinda Kioko - Writer and Filmmaker, The Trans-African, Kenya 

Enoh Meyomesse - Author, Political Activist, Cameroon

Claus Stäcker - Head of Programs for Africa, Deutsche Welle, Germany