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Should Kosovo Become Independent?

Readers had differing viewpoints on an independent Kosovo. Some thought it was about time the majority Muslim Serbian province was set free, others thought independence would cause further instability in the Balkans.

Kosovo Albanians cross the bridge that divides the ethnic-Albanian south and Serbian north of Kosovska Mitrovica in Kosovo
Barbed wire keeps Kosovo Albanians and Serbs apartImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

As history teaches us, European policy has caused many injuries over the centuries to small nations -- for example, to Albania after leaving half of that nation outside its own territory in 1913. The worst is that of Slavic regimes, who have used a brutal way of governing minorities over the centuries by killing millions of innocent people. This must not happen anymore and the Kosovo case should be a lesson to dictators [such] as Milosevic and his friends, but also to other politicians. Kosovo will be the world's newest state. -- Edmond, Albania

I traveled through this area in 1954 and stayed in Pristina for four days. The Muslims were murdering even then any Christian they could catch alone. They referred to themselves as Turks. I presume they are the leftovers of the Ottoman Empire. Kosovo must remain a part of Serbia. The USA was and is conducting the wrong diplomacy. I believe it is influenced by the need for oil from Saudi Arabia. Europe does not need another Islamic government. -- Alexius Lessig, US

Kosovo belongs to Serbia and the Russian republic won't let the Serbian province declare independence. -- Arthur Cardoso da Costa Junior, Brazil

Giving independence to what is essentially the heart of Serbia is like giving a big chunk of Berlin to Turks or Malmo to North Africans or Bradford to Pakistanis or Marseilles to the Arabs. I am sure it won't happen. The Serbs will not allow it to happen and Europeans, as different from their supine, corrupt politicians, also do not want it. -- Marco Borg, UK

French soldier of the NATO-led peace troops guard the bridge in the northern Kosovo city of Kosovska Mitrovica, Friday, March 19, 2004.
Would indepence lead to another war in the Balkans? Image: AP

While they have high profile criminals in their government nothing will help people of Kosovo. It is very funny to me that Europe supports these Kosovo leaders. The only outcome will be another war in the Balkan region and it is only a matter of time before you will have another disasterous war in front of your "democratic" Europe. -- Sasha Malkovitch, Australia

May the people of Kosovo enjoy independence, they have been waiting for more than 2,000 years. -- Adam, Albania