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Readers shared their views on this week's top news stories, from the post-summit state of German-Polish relations to Germany's call for the extradition of 13 CIA agents and Tom Cruise's foiled plans to film in Germany.

Can they be friends again? Some readers think soImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Repairing German-Polish relations after the EU summit

I find the opinions of the German press about the summit and Poland and Great Britain unfair and biased. No one discussed the merit of the proposals. Each country in the EU should have the right to express their opinions and the press should show different aspects of the issue and not to be just a propaganda tool. Unfortunately, I found most of the German press like that even before the summit. The biased opinions hurt the relations between the countries and personally hurt the friends of Germany in Poland and in UK. This is where the values of EU should start. -- Leszek Wojtowicz, Poland

To be politically correct, we must pretend to be shocked at the Wprost cover of Chancellor Merkel breast-feeding the twins. But really, this cover doesn't put Chancellor Merkel in a bad light at all. She is the nurturer and the power figure. It is the two weird twins who are the babies, completely powerless and dependent. The chancellor is blithely sailing on, in full confidence and with a great body, to new opportunities to display her new-found powers. Actually, it is a very funny cover, because of the weirdness and fecklessness of the twins. As I see it, Chancellor Merkel is presented positively and even with affection, but the twins receive a potent message of disdain from within their own country. -- Wiley Horne, US

EU Symbolbild Richtungspfeile Wohin geht es?
Is a two-speed Europe on its way?

I wish to put forth four measures which I believe would do the trick in mending German-Polish relations: 1. Buy up all the low-quality Polish meat that Russia refuses to allow into the country; 2. Force Russia to lay the new pipeline through Polish territory so that the Kaczynski twins can steal the gas en route to Germany; 3. Applaud and endorse the ban on gay rights in Poland; 4. Applaud and endorse the professional ban in Poland. -- Luis Oliveira, Portugal

On one side are the countries that want more integration and on the other side the countries that want a minimum of integration. A block with one speed on one side and split countries on the other side -- that is the answer and I think Romano Prodi hinted that something like that might happen. -- Gustavo Araujo, Uruguay

I suspect that Poland is a country still trying to get used to the idea that, for the first time in over two centuries (except for the 20 years between the two world wars), it is truly free to determine its own destiny. Moreover, many in Poland still feel a deep sense of hurt and pain over all the tragedies of the last century. The best that Germany can do is to be as sympathetic to the current mood in Poland as possible and not do anything to aggravate the relationship any further. I believe that German democratic institutions and Germany's self-concept are strong enough to digest this current "chill" in German-Polish relations and to prove that, in the end, Poland can rely on German friendship even at tense moments such as now. -- Gary K. Taylor, Honduras

Germany calls for extradition of CIA agents

The agents did a great job when they followed leads dealing with terrorist threats. Why is it okay for Osama Bin-Laden and his group to kidnap journalists and kill them? But when the CIA follows leads and does what it takes to gets results, the world questions it. It's strange the world never is willing to do what it takes to get the job done. The world always expects the US to fix the problems. -- Loche, US

I praise those men. They were doing their duty to defend their country. Those who call the US allies should be ashamed of their act. -- Rafael Fermoselle, Cuba

No, they should not be extradited. They were doing the jobs that they were ordered to do. The Munich prosecutors are playing to the left for their own personal notoriety. -- John Cooper, US

Tom Cruise banned from filming in German defense ministry

Tom Cruise in Berlin Filmpremiere Krieg der Welten
He's the wrong guy for the job, said some Image: AP

Too many times we find ourselves complaining about issues that have little or no bearing on content. I believe the von Stauffenberg family should receive assurances that the content is accurate and presented accordingly. I personally do not believe in the methods or teachings of the Church of Scientology, but Tom Cruise is a very good actor and it is my belief that he would do an outstanding job of representing Colonel von Stauffenberg. -- Joseph, US

Two reasons Tom Cruise should not play von Stauffenberg: 1. He is too short, 2. He is not German. I wonder if he will fake a German accent or speak like a guy from New Jersey. -- David Worsham, US

In the US' first amendment to the Bill of Rights, a person's religion is protected. Do the Germans protect religion in their laws as well? I am not a Scientologist, but I do sympathize with Cruise. In 1940, if Cruise had been a Jew, I'm sure he would not have been able to make a film in Germany either. As harsh as that statement is, it gets to the root of this issue and why the world is so interested in it. -- Bryan Moody, US