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Early Release for RAF?

Former RAF leader Brigitte Mohnhaupt is up for early release after serving 24 years in prison, while fellow RAF member Christian Klar has petitioned the president for a pardon. Our readers shared their thoughts.

Former RAF leader Brigitte Mohnhaupt could go free by March, if the court so choosesImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of our readers. Not all reader comments have necessarily been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Dozens of murders of innocent victims and the German government wants to let them out of prison because they promise not to do it again? How enlightened. These people should have been executed for their crimes. How can any human being with a brain possibly think that this somehow serves justice? Does justice count for anything in Europe anymore? The people who have engineered this travesty should have to explain their logic to the families of those that were murdered by these animals, face to face. But then what do I know, I'm just an unenlightened American. -- Steven Torelli

Aside from sending an obvious message of weakness and lack of resolve to today's new cadre of terrorists, releasing communist terrorists who are guilty of actual acts of murder, while locking up members of the far right for simply saying disagreeable words or displaying controversial symbols, is the apex of hypocrisy and will not go unnoticed by those with any sense of justice. -- Kevin C. Cook

I strongly believe that Brigitte Mohnhaupt and Christian Klar should remain in prison and not be granted clemency. They had no scruples in their past dealings and, according to your article about them, neither do they have any regrets about their convictions. -- Astrid Howes

If the people in jail cannot bring the victims back to life when they walk, then they should not be released. Go and save money somewhere else. Who will bear the responsibility for the future victims? There is no guarantee here. -- Joseph F. Grimley, US