These plants will give you the creeps
This is for those of you who like a good spine-chilling effect sometimes. Mother Nature has done very well by creating this horror-film cast of plants.
Devil's tooth
The Devil's tooth is an inedible (though not toxic) fungus. Its fruit body typically has a funnel-shaped cap with a white edge, and young, moist fruit bodies can "bleed" a bright red fluid that has earned the species several names, including strawberries and cream, or the bleeding tooth fungus.
Octopus stinkhorn
When they are young, they look quite traditional. Once they grow older, they develop the red tentacles pictured here, and, if this wasn't enough, a terrible smell to attract flies.
Black bat flower
Meet the black bat of flowers - Tacca chantrieri's blossoms are up to 12 inches across and have long whiskers that can grow up to 28 inches. The plant can be found in Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia, and southern China.
Doll's eyes flower
Nope, you don't want to do anything with these eyeballs on sticks. The white baneberry is actually highly poisonous.
Buddha's hand ...
... is a citron, segmented into finger-like sections, resembling those seen on representations of Buddha. Because it's very fragrant it is often used in China, Malaysia, and Japan for perfuming rooms and clothing. No horror here, at least.
Pear rust... pretty mean. It permanently infects junipers and causes nodular thickening of the branches. The spore bearings are visible as orange, gelatinous outgrowths in spring.