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Europe votes - selfie

April 8, 2014

What is Europe all about to you? We'd like to hear - and see - your answer. Answer these three easy questions while recording yourself on your mobile. We can't wait to find out what you have to say!

Selfie questionnaire graphic
Image: DW

Shoot a video selfie in landscape format answering all three questions:

1. What does Europe mean to me?
2. I value Europe because ...
3. I will (not) vote in the EU election because ...

Upload your video to #link:http://www.dropbox.com:Dropbox# or #link:http://www.wetransfer.com:WeTransfer# and send it to: [email protected] along with your name, age, location and contact information.

We'll publish the best selfies on #link:http://dw.de/europe2014:dw.de/europe2014#.
We're looking forward to your selfie!