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Members of Fateh al Sham unit of the Free Syrian Army run across a street in Haresta neighbourhood of Damascus in this January 20, 2013 file photo. MiG warplanes roar low overhead to strike rebels fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad on the fringes of Damascus, while artillery batteries pound the insurgents from hills overlooking a city divided between all-out war and a deceptive calm. That is one Damascus. In the other, comprising the central districts of a capital said to be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world, the restaurant menus are full, the wine is cheap and the souks are packed with shoppers. Employees report for work, children go to school and shops are open, seemingly undeterred by the din and thud of war. Picture taken January 20, 2013. To match Insight story SYRIA-CRISIS/DAMASCUS REUTERS/Goran Tomasevic/Files (SYRIA - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS CONFLICT)
圖片來源: Reuters


敘利亞反抗軍領袖伊德瑞斯(Selim Idris)向歐盟發出呼籲,希望後者能夠給反對派提供武器援助,打擊阿薩德政權。在拜訪歐盟議會時他說到:「如果我們能得到所需武器,即可在一個月之內推翻現政府。」如若不然「衝突就會持續進行下去,敘利亞因此將全面遭毀。」他表示,武器和彈藥的缺乏阻礙了反對軍的前進,這對民眾意味著將承受更多的痛苦。


為了能夠可以給阿薩德反對者提供「非致命性」武器裝備的支持,歐盟成員國最近做修改了一項針對敘利亞的武器禁令。英國外長黑格(William Hague)本周三表示,英國將會給敘利亞反對派提供防彈衣和裝甲車輛。據估計,這種「非致命性」援助價值超過1500萬歐元。