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Demonstrators punch a police officer during a protest against an industrial waste pipeline under construction in Qidong, Jiangsu Province July 28, 2012. Angry demonstrators occupied a government office in eastern China on Saturday, destroying computers and overturning cars parked outside in a violent protest against an industrial waste pipeline they said would poison their coastal waters. The demonstration was the latest in a string of protests sparked by fears of environment degradation and highlights the social tensions the government in Beijing is having to deal with as it approaches a leadership transition this year. About 1,000 protesters marched through the coastal city of Qidong, about one hour north of Shanghai by car, shouting slogans against the plan to build a pipeline through the city that would empty waste from a nearby paper factory into the sea. REUTERS/Carlos Barria (CHINA - Tags: ENVIRONMENT CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
圖片來源: Reuters


據法新社報導,涉及上周末江蘇啟東民眾環保抗爭事件的日本王子紙業集團(Oji Paper)今天(7月30日)表示關注這一事件,同時強調,示威者所說的環境污染「毫無根據」。根據人權組織中國人權網提供的數字,在上周末有數萬人參加的啟東民眾抗議過程中發生警民衝突,車輛被推翻、政府機構建築物被砸,事件中許多人受傷,100多人被捕。示威者抗議當局計劃建造通往呂四港的王子紙業集團造紙廠污水排放工程,擔心全長110公里的排水管道系統會導致嚴重污染,影響生態和近海漁業養殖。王子紙業集團周一發表聲明稱,關於污水中含有劇毒致癌物質的說法並無無根據。聲明稱,日方以負責任的方式,根據中國的國家標準處理廢水、監控水質。鑑於民眾抗議,啟東所在的南通市政府已宣佈永久取消紙廠污水排海管道工程。造紙廠周一沒有復工。王子紙業集團一名發言人表示,本周二將就未來採取何種措施進行磋商。