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epa03342228 A grab from a handout video made available by Al-Arabiya channel on 05 August 2012, stating it shows a man dressed as an officer of the Free Syrian Army (2-R) called Abdul Nasser al-Shumeir, and the group of kinapped Iranians sitting behind him, in an unspecified location in Syria. According to media reports on 05 August, members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard were among the Iranians kidnapped by rebels from a bus in Damascus, a Syrian who defected from the army to join the rebels claimed in video broadcast on 05 August by Al-Arabiya. The Iranian consulate in Damascus said on 04 August that 47 Iranian pilgrims were kidnapped by 'armed terrorist groups' in the Syrian capital while on their way to the airport. EPA/AL ARABIYA HANDOUT BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE. EPA IS USING AN IMAGE FROM AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE AND CANNOT PROVIDE CONFIRMATION OF CONTENT, AUTHENTICITY, PLACE, DATE AND SOURCE. HANDOUT EDITORIAL USE ONLY/NO SALES +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Iranische Geiseln Syrien TV圖片來源: picture alliance / dpa
