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Egypt's Vice-President Mahmoud Mekky is seen in this handout photo made available by the Egyptian Presidency in Cairo in this August 30, 2012 file photo. Mekky has resigned from his post a presidential source said on December 22, 2012, without giving any reason. The source said the presidential spokesman would issue a statement shortly. Mekky took a leading role in hosting "national unity" talks called by President Mohamed Mursi, although the main opposition politicians stayed away. REUTERS/Egyptian Presidency/Handout/Files (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS HEADSHOT) THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. IT IS DISTRIBUTED, EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
Ägypten Mahmud Mekki圖片來源: Reuters


據媒體報導,埃及副總統麥基(Mahmud Mekki)本周六(12月22日)正式宣佈辭職。這位總統穆爾西的副手向當地電視媒體表示,他其實已經打算於今年11月辭職。考慮到該國不穩定的局勢以及以色列和哈馬斯之間的衝突,他推遲了這一決定。埃及民眾於本周六開始就新憲法舉行第二輪公投。這份由穆斯林兄弟會以及薩拉菲派組織起草的憲法草案已經引發深度分歧。