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epa03811057 Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi protest near Rabaa Adawiya mosque after Friday prayer in Cairo, Egypt, 02 August 2013. Egyptian police on 01 August called on backers of ousted Islamist president Mohammed Morsi to end sit-ins in two Cairo areas signalling an imminent security crackdown upon the large protests.The Interior Ministry which is in charge of security forces said it had started taking necessary measures to end the vigils in the area of Rabaa al-Adawiya in eastern Cairo and al-Nahda Square south of the capital EPA/KHALED ELFIQI
Ägypten Mursi Anhänger Kairo 02.08.2013圖片來源: picture-alliance/dpa

在周五伊斯蘭祈禱活動結束之後,埃及再度爆發抗議活動。被罷黜的總統穆爾西的支持者成千上萬地走上街頭,要求解除軍政府職務。他們從開羅的數座清真寺出發,遊行到穆斯林兄弟會的靜坐示威營地。此前,政府曾威脅要進行清場。但埃及內政部駁回了有關示威營地遭到衝擊的報導。美國副國務卿伯恩斯(William Burns)於周五晚間到訪埃及,旨在對衝突各方進行調解斡旋。