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Protesters gather at Tahrir square in Cairo November 23, 2012. Mursi's decree that put his decisions above legal challenge until a new parliament was elected caused fury amongst his opponents on Friday who accused him of being the new Hosni Mubarak and hijacking the revolution. Police fired tear gas in a street leading to Cairo's Tahrir Square, heart of the 2011 anti-Mubarak uprising, where thousands demanded Mursi quit and accused him of launching a "coup". There were violent protests in Alexandria, Port Said and Suez. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: CIVIL UNREST POLITICS)
Demonstration Kairo Ägypten November 2012圖片來源: Reuters


埃及民眾抗議現任總統穆爾西(Mohammed Mursi)的活動仍在持續。當地時間本周五(11月23日)至周六晚間,數百名反對派支持者聚集在首都開羅市中心的解放廣場,抗議這位伊斯蘭派國家元首剝奪司法機關權力的做法。本周五,曾有數千名民眾在解放廣場上向穆爾西表示抗議。同時,埃及其他多個城市也發生了總統的支持者和反對者之間的巷戰。穆爾西之前通過一項政令,使司法機構無法推翻他的決定。