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A protester throws a stone after scuffles broke out between groups of several hundred protesters in Tahrir square when chants against the new Islamist president angered some in the crowd in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. The scuffles between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi reflect deep political divisions among the country』s 82 million people, more than a year after the popular uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. (Foto:Khalil Hamra/AP/dapd)
埃及示威者圖片來源: AP

周五,埃及首都開羅發生穆爾西6月份當選總統以來的最嚴重騷亂。在開羅的解放廣場(Tahrir Square),穆爾西總統的支持者和反對派發生激烈衝突。在此之前,數百人響應穆斯林兄弟會的號召舉行示威,抗議司法機構對數名前穆巴拉克政府官員的無罪判決。這些官員被控對2011年初反對穆巴拉克的示威者在解放廣場的死亡負有責任。穆爾西總統的政黨穆斯林兄弟會敦促總檢察長提交進一步的證據,否則必須下台。穆爾西總統周四曾試圖解除總檢察長官職,但是遭到抵制。一些有影響力的法官也是總統的反對派。他們認為總統解除總檢察長官職的企圖破壞司法獨立。