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Egyptian riot police try to quell clashes between opponents and supporters of President Mohamed Morsi in the Mediterranean coastal city of Alexandria on December 21, 2012. Running clashes between rival protesters erupted in Egypt's second city Alexandria, on the eve of the final round of a referendum on a new constitution backed by the ruling Islamists. AFP PHOTO/MAHMUD HAMS (Photo credit should read MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images)
Ägypten Proteste in Alexandria圖片來源: Mahmud Hams/AFP/Getty Images)


埃及就新憲法舉行第二輪全民投票前夕,總統穆爾西(Mohammed Mursi)的支持者與反對者之間爆發巷戰。在海港城市亞歷山大,雙方互相投擲了石塊。警方曾嘗試使用催淚瓦斯終止騷亂。數千名憤怒的穆斯林兄弟會成員以及薩拉菲派人士於周五禱告活動結束後走上街頭,對新憲法草案表示支持。第一輪全民公決的結果顯示,有57%的選民支持該草案。第二輪投票將於本周六開始舉行。埃及自由派、非宗教人士、基督徒以及其他批評人士擔心新憲法會加速該國伊斯蘭化的進程,削弱公民權和自由。