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U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (C) walks with U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Richard Olson (L) and unidentified Pakistani officials upon his arrival in Islamabad July 31, 2013. Kerry is scheduled to meet with members of Pakistan's newly-elected civilian government on Thursday. REUTERS/Jason Reed (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS)
In this photo taken on Aug. 5, 2012 Pakistani Taliban patrol in their stronghold of Shawal in Pakistani tribal region of South Waziristan. Taliban spokesman Ahsanullah Ahsan told the Associated Press that Taliban threatened to kill a Pakistani cricket star Imran Khan who has become a major political player if he holds a planned march to their tribal stronghold along the Afghan border to protest U.S. drone attacks. Ahsan said 「If he comes, our suicide bombers will target him,」 (Foto: Ishtiaq Mahsud/AP/dapd)
ARCHIV - Der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karsai (l)und US-Präsident Barack Obama (r)bei einer Pressekonferenz am 12.05.2010 im Weißen Haus in Washington. Eine Sammlung von 90 000 überwiegend geheimen Afghanistan-Militärdokumenten offenbart das Wiedererstarken der radikalislamischen Taliban im Krieg gegen die ISAF-Schutztruppe. Die US-Einheiten und deren Verbündete verlieren in dem seit knapp neun Jahren andauernden Krieg am Hindukusch zunehmend an Boden - ihre Sicherheitslage ist prekär. Sie verschlechtere sich auch im Norden des Landes, wo deutsche Soldaten im Einsatz sind. Die Protokolle sollen von der Enthüllungs-Website Wikileaks veröffentlicht werden. Die Dokumente belegen auch die Existenz einer US-Elitetruppe zur Liquidierung von Taliban-Anführern. EPA/MIKE THEILER +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Presidential palace in Kabul on June 25, 2013. All the Taliban militants, who targeted the presidential palace and the CIA office in central Kabul, died in the attack, Afghan police said. Kabul police chief Mohammad Ayoub Salangi told reporters at the scene that all three or four militants had died. AFP PHOTO / SHAH Marai (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)
Ehemalige Taliban-Kämpfer bei Waffen Übergabe in Herat, Afghanistan
ARCHIV - Ein Bundeswehrsoldat sichert in der Umgebung von Faiserbad eine Erkundungsmission (Archivfoto vom 05.10.2008). Im nordafghanischen Einsatzgebiet der Bundeswehr ist ein Soldat der Internationalen Schutztruppe Isaf getötet worden. Die Nato-geführte Isaf teilte in der Nacht zum 05.05.2013 mit, der Soldat sei am 04.05.2013 bei einem Angriff Aufständischer getötet worden. Angaben zur Nationalität machte die Isaf nicht. Foto: Maurizio Gambarini/dpa (zu dpa:"Isaf-Soldat in Nordafghanistan getötet - Nationalität unbekannt" vom 05.05.2013) +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
Afghan President Hamid Karzai speaks during a joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen following a security handover ceremony at a military academy outside Kabul on June 18, 2013. Afghan forces took control of security across the country on June 18, marking a major milestone as US-led combat troops prepare to withdraw after 12 years of fighting the Taliban. Speaking at a military academy outside Kabul, President Hamid Karzai said the police and army were ready to take on insurgents, but a bomb in the city underlined persistent instability. AFP PHOTO/ SHAH Marai (Photo credit should read SHAH MARAI/AFP/Getty Images)
A general view of the Taliban Afghanistan Political Office in Doha June 18, 2013. The Afghan Taliban opened the office in Qatar on Tuesday to help restart talks on ending the 12-year-old war, saying it wanted a political solution that would bring about a just government and end foreign occupation. Taliban representative Muhammad Naeem told a news conference at the office in the capital Doha that the Islamist insurgency wanted good relations with Afghanistan's neighbouring countries. REUTERS/Mohammed Dabbous (QATAR - Tags: POLITICS)
Muhammad Naeem (L), a spokesman for the Office of the Taliban of Afghanistan speaks during the opening of the Taliban Afghanistan Political Office in Doha June 18, 2013. The Afghan Taliban opened an office in Qatar on Tuesday to help restart talks on ending the 12-year-old war, saying it wanted a political solution that would bring about a just government and end foreign occupation. Taliban representative Mohammed Naeem told a news conference at the office in the capital Doha that the Islamist insurgency wanted good relations with Afghanistan's neighbouring countries. REUTERS/Mohammed Dabbous (QATAR - Tags: POLITICS)
Afghan police arrive at the site of an attack in Kabul June 10, 2013. Explosions were heard by Reuters witnesses and there were reports of gunfire near Afghanistan's main international airport in the capital, Kabul, early on Monday, and a police spokesman said insurgents had launched the attack. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)
Ausschnitt: Deputy Pakistani Taliban leader Wali-ur-Rehman (C) is flanked by militants as he speaks to a group of reporters in Shawal town, which lies between North and South Waziristan region in the northwest bordering Afghanistan, in this July 28, 2011 file photo. A U.S. drone strike killed the number two of the Pakistan Taliban, Wali-ur-Rehman, in North Waziristan region on May 29, 2013, three security officials said in what would be a major blow in the fight against militancy. REUTERS/Saud Mehsud/File (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
Afghan policemen take up position as smoke billows from the site of an explosion in Kabul May 24, 2013. Several large explosions rocked a busy area in the centre of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Friday with Reuters witnesses describing shooting in the area. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST)
A damaged vehicle is parked at the site of an explosion in Kabul May 24, 2013. Several large explosions rocked a busy area in the centre of the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Friday with Reuters witnesses describing shooting in the area. REUTERS/Omar Sobhani (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST CRIME LAW)
Afghan policemen stand guard at the site of a suicide attack in Kabul May 16, 2013. A suicide bomber in a car targeted two vehicles carrying foreign forces in the Afghan capital Kabul on Thursday, police said, but it was not immediately clear if there were casualties. REUTERS/Mohammad Ismail (AFGHANISTAN - Tags: CIVIL UNREST)
epa03648441 Afghan security officials stand guard on a road as security has been intensified following the militants attacks at a provincial court and a bank building, in Herat, Afghanistan, 03 April 2013. Insurgents attacked a provincial court and a bank in western Afghanistan on 03 April, sparking an hour-long gun battle with security forces, an official said. A group of Taliban suicide bombers occupied buildings of a court and Kabul Bank in Farah city. EPA/JALIL REZAYEE +++(c) dpa - Bildfunk+++
ARCHIV: Der Praesident Afghanistans, Hamid Karzai, laechelt in Arlington vor dem scheidenden US-Verteidigungsminister Leon Panetta (Foto vom 10.01.13). Panetta hat sich nach einem Gespraech mit dem afghanischen Praesidenten Hamid Karsai zuversichtlich gezeigt, dass Washington der Regierung in Kabul auch nach dem Abzug der internationalen Kampftruppen zur Seite stehen wird. Es habe "sehr gute Fortschritte" bei Schluesselfragen gegeben, die die Grundlage für eine weitere Unterstuetzung der USA nach dem Ende der Kampfeinsaetze 2014 bilden, sagte der Pentagon-Chef nach dem Treffen mit Karsai am Donnerstag (10.01.13). (zu dapd-Text) Foto: Evan Vucci/AP/dapd
Bildtitel: Der afghanische Präsident Khamid Karsai auf Afghanistan-Konferenz in Duschanbe Schlagworte: Karsai, Duschanbe Foto: Galim Faskhutdinov 27.3.2012.
US soldier (L) and Afghan police patrol in Kabul, Afghanistan, 02 August 2007. South Korea and the United States have ruled out possible military action to rescue 21 South Koreans held hostages by the Taliban militants in Afghanistan, news reports said 02 August. The 18 women and five men, all members of the Saemmul Community Church, were abducted on 19 July 2007 by Taliban militants at gunpoint from a bus traveling from Kabul to Kandahar in southern Afghanistan. Two have since been shot dead by their Taliban captors. EPA/SYED JAN SABAWOON +++(c) dpa - Report+++
ARCHIV - Hakimullah Mehsud (l), ein Kommandeur der pakistanischen militanten Taliban-Gruppe Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) und einer der Stellvertreter des pakistanischen Taliban-Chefs, Baitullah Mehsud, unterhält sich am 26.11.2008 in Grenzgebiet zu Afghanistan mit Journalisten. Der Chef der pakistanischen Taliban, Baitullah Mehsud, ist nach Angaben der radikal-islamischen Aufständischen tot. Ein Taliban-Anführer und Weggefährte Mehsuds sagte am Freitag (07.08.2009), der Taliban-Chef sei bereits am vergangenen Mittwoch bei einem US-Drohnenangriff im Stammesgebiet Süd-Waziristan an der afghanischen Grenze ums Leben gekommen EPA/STRINGER +++(c) dpa - Report+++
In a photo made Aug. 5, 2012, a Pakistani Taliban militant holds a rocket-propelled grenade at the Taliban stronghold of Shawal, in Pakistani tribal region of Waziristan along the Afghanistan border. Pakistan's decision to launch an operation against Islamist militants holed up in a key tribal sanctuary along the Afghan border has sparked rare optimism among U.S. officials who have been demanding action for years. (Foto: Ishtiaq Mahsud/AP/dapd)
Indian police stand guard outside the high-security Yerwada Jail where Pakistan-born Mohammed Kasab, the sole surviving gunman of the 2008 Mumbai attacks was hanged, in Pune on November 21, 2012. The sole surviving gunman from the 2008 Mumbai attacks was executed Wednesday, nearly four years after 166 people were killed in a three-day rampage through India's financial capital, officials announced. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)
Bundeswehrsoldaten gehen am Mittwoch (31.08.2011) nahe Kundus im Distrikt von Char Darreh gemeinsam mit afghanischen Polizisten auf eine Mission, um in Kontakt mit der Bevölkerung zu bleiben. Die Bundeswehr wird im Norden Afghanistans immer wieder in Gefechte verwickelt. Foto: Maurizio Gambarini dpa
Former Taliban fighters hand over their weapons to Afghan police as part of a reconciliation process in Herat, Afghanistan, Sunday, May 13, 2012. As the U.S. and NATO prepare for the downsizing of international troops with a final withdrawal scheduled for 2014 efforts are underway to bring the Taliban off the battlefield. Taliban leaders including one of the most senior members of the organization, Agha Jan Motasim told The AP that most Taliban supported a negotiated end to the protracted war in Afghanistan. (AP Photo/Hoshang Hashimi)