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File picture shows Jens Weidmann, President of German Bundesbank in front of the Bundesbank headquarters as he arrives for the annual news conference in Frankfurt March 13, 2012. The head of the Bundesbank has sharply criticised the European Central Bank's plan to buy the debt of highly indebted states in a confidential report, according to German newspaper Handelsblatt. In the 29-page report prepared for Germany's Constitutional Court, the Bundesbank warns that the purchase of such debt could "compromise the independence of the central bank" and could be difficult to stop, the paper said in an article made available on April 25, 2013. Picture taken March 13, 2012. REUTERS/Alex Domanski/File (GERMANY - Tags: BUSINESS)
圖片來源: Reuters

德國聯邦銀行行長魏德曼(Jens Weidmann/資料圖片)公開批評計劃中的歐元區銀行破產清算規定。他周三在達姆施塔特表示,依然有太多的例外規定,無助於建立市場自律。必須允許出現政府和大型銀行失去支付能力的情況,並且不會使金融系統陷入危機或者讓納稅人遭受損失。魏德曼同時也是歐洲央行理事會成員。