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GettyImages 157156665 Members of Egypt's constituent assembly discuss of the last voting session on a new draft constitution at the Shoura Assembly on November 29, 2012 in Cairo. The assembly retained today the principles of Islamic law as the main source of law, as it rushed through the approval process over objections from an opposition that argues more time is needed. It also agreed a clause stating that the principles of Christian and Jewish legal traditions would guide the personal and religious affairs of people belonging to those faiths. The vote comes amid accusations that the Islamist-dominated panel is railroading the charter through and protests over President Mohamed Morsi's assumption of sweeping powers, which has plunged the country into its worse crisis since Morsi took office in June. AFP PHOTO / GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (Photo credit should read GIANLUIGI GUERCIA/AFP/Getty Images)
图像来源: AFP/Getty Images


伊斯兰人士占多数的埃及制宪委员会批准了新宪法草案,并将提交全民公决。制宪会议主席加里亚尼(Hossam al-Ghiriani)周五(11月30日)在开罗通报说,在通宵会议上,制宪委员会对所有234项条款均进行了表决,并都以全票通过。不过,重要的反对派政党和社会组织对制宪委员会的工作进行了抵制。新宪法草案规定:“沙里亚法的基本原则”是埃及未来立法的“最重要源泉”;伊斯兰是国教、阿拉伯语是官方语言;总统一届任期为4年,可连选连任一届。新宪法将取代前总统穆巴拉克时代制定和实行的宪法。自由派和世俗派政党和政治团体及基督教会的代表在最后阶段抵制了制宪委员会的工作,指责控制了制宪委员会的伊斯兰人士强行将伊斯兰价值作为国家宪法的取向,试图使埃及变成伊斯兰国家。