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A protester throws a stone after scuffles broke out between groups of several hundred protesters in Tahrir square when chants against the new Islamist president angered some in the crowd in Cairo, Egypt, Friday, Oct. 12, 2012. The scuffles between supporters and opponents of President Mohammed Morsi reflect deep political divisions among the country’s 82 million people, more than a year after the popular uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak. (Foto:Khalil Hamra/AP/dapd)
埃及示威者图像来源: AP

周五,埃及首都开罗发生穆尔西6月份当选总统以来的最严重骚乱。在开罗的解放广场(Tahrir Square),穆尔西总统的支持者和反对派发生激烈冲突。在此之前,数百人响应穆斯林兄弟会的号召举行示威,抗议司法机构对数名前穆巴拉克政府官员的无罪判决。这些官员被控对2011年初反对穆巴拉克的示威者在解放广场的死亡负有责任。穆尔西总统的政党穆斯林兄弟会敦促总检察长提交进一步的证据,否则必须下台。穆尔西总统周四曾试图解除总检察长官职,但是遭到抵制。一些有影响力的法官也是总统的反对派。他们认为总统解除总检察长官职的企图破坏司法独立。