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This image made from Egyptian State Television shows Egypt's interim president Adly Mansour speaking after being sworn in at the constitutional court in Cairo, Thursday, July 4, 2013. Egypt's chief justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court has been sworn in as interim president after Egyptians awoke Thursday to a new political reality after the military overthrew the country's first democratically elected president after only a year in office, shunting the Islamist leader aside in the same kind of Arab Spring uprising that brought him to power. (AP Photo/Egyptian State TV)
Ägypten Mursi Nachfolger Adli Mansour图像来源: picture-alliance/AP

在埃及民众本周五准备再次举行大规模抗议活动前,过渡政府总统曼苏尔(Adli Mansur)表态称,将让"保卫安全"的战斗进行到底。他于本周四(7月18日)晚间上任后第一次发表电视讲话时做出了以上表态。曼苏尔指出,埃及正处于历史的"关键时刻",但有些人却希望让这个国家"驶向未知的未来。"自从埃及军方于7月初罢黜了民选总统穆尔西后,该国就陷入一片混乱。前总统穆尔西的支持者和反对者都不断举行大规模示威抗议活动,并导致暴力事件不断发生,甚至与警方陷入冲突。几周来,有多人在冲突中丧生。埃及军方当前呼吁民众举行和平示威活动,并宣称将严厉打击任何形式的暴力活动。