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Source News Feed: EMEA Picture Service ,Germany Picture Service An anti-Muslim Brotherhood demonstrator prepares to throw stones during clashes with supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi at Tahrir Square, the focal point of the Egyptian uprising, in Cairo October 12, 2012. Supporters and opponents of Mursi threw stones and bottles at each other, showing feelings still run high between rival groups trying to shape the new Egypt after decades of autocracy. REUTERS/ Mohamed Abd El Ghany (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)
埃及暴力冲突图像来源: Reuters

埃及总统穆尔西的支持者和反对者之间发生的暴力冲突,至少造成上百人受伤。据记者报道,冲突双方在开罗解放广场(Tahrir Square)相互投掷石块和燃烧弹,并用棍棒殴打对方。被推翻的前独裁者穆巴拉克政府的24名官员被判无罪释放引发的争议是导致此次骚乱的主要原因。24名被告被控对去年年初在反对穆巴拉克政权的抗议活动中被打死的示威者负有责任。埃及总统穆尔西已经宣布,24名被告将被重新交给法院审判。