Your Opinion

Tom Cruise's new movie, which the German government has not permitted him to film inside the defense ministry, continues to stir up controversy in Germany and among our readers.

Readers had little sympathy for Cruise's commitment to ScientologyImage: AP

The following comments reflect the views of DW-WORLD.DE readers. Not all reader comments have been published. DW-WORLD.DE reserves the right to edit for length and appropriateness of content.

Scientology and Tom Cruise should stay in the United States. Tom Cruise is an actor but also a flamboyant Scientologist. Also, his sexual orientation is a matter of dispute. Scientologists believe that mankind originates from outer space aliens. There is a special sense of weirdness about Tom Cruise and other actors who belong to the same cult. Granting tax-free status to a cult is nonsense. -- Evi Pickavance, USA

I suggest researchers and media do their homework on Tom Cruise's so-called religion, Scientology, which is solidly based solely on L. Ron Hubbard -- an American college dropout, moderately successful pulp fiction writer, questionable US Navy officer, and Scientology movement founder. Sidestep the name calling and please engage in a debate with Hubbard's bad ideas. His followers will not be shaken of their glowing admiration of Hubbard and their "religion" until the bad ideas of Scientology, which are all entirely Hubbard's fault, are inspected and debated. -- Chuck Beatty, USA

Tom Cruise seems to lose more friends then he's able to make. Maybe he should follow the saying, "You can win more friends with your ears than with your mouth." I'm not saying that Cruise is an "evil" man out to hurt people, but I do feel that he carries a certain arrogance, control, and opens his mouth at the wrong time for the wrong reason. As for Germany, I can imagine that is not the feeling they want for have for an actor portraying Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg. -- Stayduhar, USA

Scientology is a cult, not a valid religion. It has engaged in criminal fraud and deceit and hides behind First Amendment rights. I have been involved with that cult in the past, so I know its evils first hand. It is no secret why the US federal and state governments have charged it with crimes and have imposed taxes on its profiteering. The government of Germany should ban its evil activities. -- Rick, USA

Smoking on TV

Szenenfoto In einer Szene des Films Coffe and Cigarettes versucht ein Notarzt, dargestellt vom Musiker Tom Waits, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhoeren. Pandora Film
Would censorship of smoking scenes only make cigarettes more attractive? Image: AP

I live in a country were media, including TV, is highly regulated and censored. Smoking, drinking and any kind of nudity (even perceived) is blurred, blackened out or otherwise censored. Does it reduce smoking and drinking? Does it give our young people better role models? No. As far as I see, the old saying of "what's forbidden is just more attractive" seems to be true. Please do not patronize viewers; they have their own opinion about what is suitable and what is not. -- Siegfried Gohlke, Thailand

People that appeared on TV are role models for good and bad. They should ban it (smoking on television). -- Claudia Molina, Argentina