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zu: Bringt Mursi den Ägyptern Gerechtigkeit? Egypt's President Mohamed Mursi attends a meeting at the presidential palace in Cairo October 8, 2012, a day after Mursi's "Al Nhada (Renaissance) project. The project is primarily a economic and social programme comprising of promises the president vowed to fulfil within 100 days of taking office. Mursi has won grudging respect from detractors in his first 100 days by sending the army back to barracks faster than anyone expected and raising Egypt's international profile in several newsmaking visits abroad. Yet his political fortunes and those of the Muslim Brotherhood which propelled him to power may well depend on his delivering on more mundane issues such as easing traffic congestion and bread and fuel shortages by Oct. 7 as promised. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh (EGYPT - Tags: POLITICS)
图像来源: Getty Images


根据埃及总统穆尔西日前(11月22日)颁布的一项政令,在选举出新议会之前,他的所有决定均不受司法挑战。这一“揽权”决定招致反对派批评。诺贝尔和平奖得主、前国际原子能机构总干事巴拉迪抨击穆尔西此举是蔑视司法。巴拉迪当天在推特上表示,穆尔西将全部国家权力攫为己有,把自己任命为了埃及现代法老。其他政治反对派组织也发表声明,谴责穆尔西总统的行为。声明指出,穆尔西总统剥夺了人民和国家机构的所有权力。穆尔西的政坛盟友则表示支持穆尔西的政令。伊斯兰穆斯林兄弟会发言人古斯兰(Mahmud Ghoslan)称,穆尔西总统跨出了“革命步伐”。